Friday, April 1, 2011

How I got over my common cold in 2 and a half days

I had a horrible cold that came on gradually over the course of two days before going full blown.  I'm not sure if it was the stress of auditioning for an aerobics video with one of my old school favorite fitness gurus but it came 3 days before and I was terrified this would be a manifestation of things always going wrong before I got my "big break".  I was determined to break this pattern in my mind and prove to myself that I would not allow any disharmony within to dampen this opportunity.  I had to prove that with diligence and intention I could heal my weakened immune system which was brought on by the stress of being laid off right before the new year and lack of sleep for all of my mastermind brainstorming for resolution to the seeming financial disaster.

I averted myself from even going into the coughing syndrome, where if I went there, I knew that would be the peak and the end.

So I searched and looked online and called my mom for natural solutions.

I listened to subliminal recordings, be free  to change the vision of myself to a happy and healthy one.
Also listened to Silva Mind Body Healing for free at this link: Silva Healing Hypnosis recording
I also got lots of rest right away.  Homeade Nasal Wash

So here is what I would drink and eat:

Cloves of Garlic
I ate them, raw...
Needless to say that my husband was crying when I was laughing at a funny movie
Garlic Article
Apple Cider Vinegar
Drank 2 teaspoons in a cup of water
Bragg's Apple Cider
Cayenne Pepper
Drank this with cold water, drank it with teas made of basil, ginger and lemon.  Great source of Vitamin C. 
Cayenne Pepper Article
Hot and Sour Soup
Really cool thai place around the corner filled me with lots of spicy hot tea to clear up my congestion
I would bite into it raw, brew it into teas with basil and lemon and Cayenne Pepper
Ginger Article
Got some from Whole Foods in a dropper and drank with water twice a day
Chlorophyll Article

I also took Vitamin C and Zinc.  Be careful with the Zinc though so you don't overdo it.

Hope this will help you as much as it has helped me.

Feel Great!